Detalle de la Empresa

Thin Leader MD

  • Thin Leader MD logo
  • Thin Leader MD Summary

    Thin Leader MD received their 50th complaint on .

    Information about Thin Leader MD was first submitted to Scambook on Sep 30, 2014. Since then the page has accumulated 54 consumer complaints. On average users reported $23.58 of damages. Scambook's investigation team reached out to this company a total of 14 times, Scambook Investigators last contacted them on May 28, 2013.

  • Company Information

  • Website:
  • Phone:(888) 332-6545
  • Additional Employees: Ningún Empleado Conocido
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Calificación de Empresa

EstadÌsticas de la Empresa

  • Quejas No Resueltas
  • Daños Reportados Sin Resolver $1,273.30

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Comentarios Recientes de Informes de la Empresa ▼

  • Thin Leader MD Queja 187159 for $19.65
  • CSR
  • CSR SBID #8f89686c14
  • Publicado 01/04/2013
  • My bank account was charged $19.65 on 1/3/13 by This charge was not authorized and I had never heard of them. I saw the item on my account while it was pending, actually only two hours after "they" ran the pre-authorization. My bank person told me of all of the complaints against this "company." I did buy a FlexBelt a few months back. I returned it within a month for a refund. Even though unauthorized charges are not fun to deal with, it helps to know where they may have originated. Thank you for posting the answer.
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